Gold Valley Road
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The Gold Valley Road starts about 14 miles in from the northern end of Greenwater Valley.

A work of caution. Don't travel too fast on the Greenwater Valley road. Gordon clipped a rock and caused probably $1000 work of damage to his truck (new rim, new tire, new front end alignment etc.)

Gordon's Expensive Flat

Gordon's Flat.jpg (26346 bytes)  Gordon Ouch!.jpg (22203 bytes)

FYI: once you leave Greenwater Road, the trail becomes a bouncy 4WD trip.

If you take the Gold Valley Pass turnoff (about 8 miles in), you'll get to the following tight spot. From a distance it looks an easy fit but.....

Gold Valley Pass.jpg (118231 bytes) Click image for a larger view

Darren's Landcruiser almost fills the slot. We knew it'd fit because I driven my F-150 through it just before.

Cruiser Squeeze.jpg (104679 bytes) Click image for a larger view

To prove how wide it really was, Darren drove back down in reverse.

Trails End.jpg (30500 bytes)

The above image is taken at the trails end at Willow Creek. Park here and walk toward Willow Creek Spring, pictured below.

Willow Creek.jpg (23768 bytes)

On the way there are Beaver Tail Cactus and fairly good sized lizards.

Flower.jpg (29904 bytes)   Lizard.jpg (19997 bytes)

Walking back from the spring, our heroes posed for a photo, and then stepped in something nasty!

The Guys.jpg (27597 bytes)   Goo!.jpg (27711 bytes)