Goler Wash Fri 10/21
Home Up Goler Wash Fri 10/21 Echo Canyon Sat 10/22


Goler Slide Show

Friday October 21 - www.Death-Valley.us does a pre-run of Goler Wash.

Friday I was going to pre-run Goler for the next day's www.death-valley.us run. After an early breakfast I headed to Ballarat to meet up with some other folks who were going to pre-run it with me. Waiting there was Jim, Ray & Nancy, Chris, Barry, & Charlie.

Charlie had arrived in the wee hours of the morning, so with little sleep, he decided bag the pre-run and head over to Panamint Springs to set up camp and get some sleep.

After a brief meeting at Ballarat the rest of us headed south to Goler.

Wow! what a change from spring. The summers rains have completely re-arranged Goler. Now it's a real 4x4 trail.

Click the link on the left of the page for the full set of pics and side show.