Panamint Valley
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Darwin Falls
Back Door to Darwin
Darwin 2004
Darwin Falls April 2005
Surprise Canyon
Weather Over Panamints
Jail Canyon
Nadeau Road
Minnietta Cabin
Onyx Mine
Lake Hill
Hwy 190
Panamint Valley Days 2004
Lookout City
Slate Range Crossing
Pleasant Canyon
Panamint Crater

On a clear day (Oct '98), the view up the Panamint Valley is spectacular.

Valley View.jpg (64650 bytes)

The point from where this photo is taken has been committed to the memory system of our little onboard droid (a Garmin GPS V) and is affectionately known as Beer-1.

Beer 1.jpg (24618 bytes)

A stop for a 'cool one' is usually called for after the long drive down from the Bay Area.

Below is the view across the valley from 'Beer-1'. The road to Ballarat along with the trail up Surprise Canyon wash are clearly visible. The Briggs mining company had just graded and oiled the road to Ballarat (Oct '98). We bumped into Rocky and George Novak in the Ballarat store while checking on road conditions. I hadn't seen George since Feb '98.

Telescope & Ballerat.jpg (63126 bytes)

At the other end of the valley are Sand Dunes

Panamint Dunes.jpg (18959 bytes)

and the beginning of Towne Pass, entrance to Death Valley.

Towne Pass.jpg (16426 bytes)